home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1997-04-15 | 79.6 KB | 2,575 lines |
- object Book: TBook
- Left = 21
- Top = 105
- HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
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- object Panel2: TPanel
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- object Tabs: TTabbedNotebook
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- OnChange = TabsChange
- object TTabPage
- Left = 4
- Top = 27
- Caption = 'Address'
- object Address_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 152
- Top = 55
- Width = 355
- Height = 353
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Address_Panel'
- TabOrder = 0
- object ScrollBox: TScrollBox
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 351
- Height = 326
- HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
- Align = alClient
- AutoScroll = False
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- TabOrder = 0
- OnResize = ScrollBoxResize
- object L_Position: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 14
- Width = 48
- Height = 16
- Caption = '&Position'
- FocusControl = F_Position
- end
- object L_Company: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 34
- Width = 58
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Company'
- FocusControl = F_Company
- end
- object L_Address: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 58
- Width = 51
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Address'
- end
- object L_Phone1: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 203
- Width = 49
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Phone 1'
- FocusControl = F_Phone1
- end
- object L_Phone2: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 226
- Width = 49
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Phone 2'
- FocusControl = F_Phone2
- end
- object L_Phone3: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 258
- Width = 49
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Phone 3'
- FocusControl = F_Phone3
- end
- object L_Phone4: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 282
- Width = 46
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Phone4'
- FocusControl = F_Phone4
- end
- object L_Address_2: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 82
- Width = 3
- Height = 16
- end
- object L_Address_3: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 106
- Width = 3
- Height = 16
- end
- object L_Address_4: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 130
- Width = 3
- Height = 16
- end
- object L_Address_5: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 154
- Width = 3
- Height = 16
- end
- object F_Company: TEdit
- Left = 80
- Top = 33
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 1
- Text = 'F_Company'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Position: TEdit
- Left = 81
- Top = 6
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'F_Position'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Phone4: TEdit
- Left = 65
- Top = 278
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 14
- Text = 'F_Phone4'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Phone3: TEdit
- Left = 65
- Top = 252
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 12
- Text = 'F_Phone3'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Phone2: TEdit
- Left = 65
- Top = 226
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 10
- Text = 'F_Phone2'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Phone1: TEdit
- Left = 65
- Top = 201
- Width = 237
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 8
- Text = 'F_Phone1'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object B_Phone1: TBitBtn
- Left = 304
- Top = 199
- Width = 38
- Height = 24
- Caption = '&1'
- TabOrder = 9
- OnClick = B_Phone4Click
- NumGlyphs = 2
- Spacing = 1
- end
- object B_Phone2: TBitBtn
- Left = 312
- Top = 226
- Width = 38
- Height = 24
- Caption = '&2'
- TabOrder = 11
- OnClick = B_Phone4Click
- NumGlyphs = 2
- Spacing = 1
- end
- object B_Phone3: TBitBtn
- Left = 312
- Top = 252
- Width = 38
- Height = 24
- Caption = '&3'
- TabOrder = 13
- OnClick = B_Phone4Click
- NumGlyphs = 2
- Spacing = 1
- end
- object B_Phone4: TBitBtn
- Left = 312
- Top = 277
- Width = 38
- Height = 25
- Caption = '&4'
- TabOrder = 15
- OnClick = B_Phone4Click
- NumGlyphs = 2
- Spacing = 1
- end
- object F_Address: TMemo
- Left = 80
- Top = 64
- Width = 265
- Height = 129
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'F_Address')
- TabOrder = 2
- OnChange = F_NotesChange
- end
- object F_Address_1: TEdit
- Left = 62
- Top = 73
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 3
- Text = 'F_Address_1'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Address_2: TEdit
- Left = 62
- Top = 97
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 4
- Text = 'F_Address_2'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Address_3: TEdit
- Left = 62
- Top = 121
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 5
- Text = 'F_Address_3'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Address_4: TEdit
- Left = 62
- Top = 145
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 6
- Text = 'F_Address_4'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Address_5: TEdit
- Left = 62
- Top = 169
- Width = 265
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 7
- Text = 'F_Address_5'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- end
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 2
- Top = 328
- Width = 351
- Height = 23
- Align = alBottom
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- Caption = 'Panel1'
- PopupMenu = TabSetPopup
- TabOrder = 1
- object TabSet: TTabSet
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 351
- Height = 23
- Align = alClient
- Font.Color = clBlack
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- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- Tabs.Strings = (
- 'TabSet')
- TabIndex = 0
- OnChange = TabSetChange
- end
- end
- end
- object Name_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 152
- Top = 4
- Width = 345
- Height = 49
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Name_Panel'
- TabOrder = 1
- object MainName_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 341
- Height = 45
- Align = alClient
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- BorderWidth = 2
- TabOrder = 0
- object SubName_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 185
- Height = 41
- Align = alLeft
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 0
- object TitlePanel: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 73
- Height = 41
- Align = alLeft
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 0
- OnResize = TitlePanelResize
- object L_Title: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 40
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'L_Title'
- Transparent = True
- end
- object F_Title: TEdit
- Left = 12
- Top = 16
- Width = 47
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'F_Title'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object TitleSplitter: TPanel
- Left = 70
- Top = 0
- Width = 3
- Height = 41
- Cursor = crHSplit
- Align = alRight
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 1
- OnMouseDown = TitleSplitterMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = TitleSplitterMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = TitleSplitterMouseUp
- end
- end
- object InitialsPanel: TPanel
- Left = 73
- Top = 0
- Width = 112
- Height = 41
- Align = alClient
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 1
- OnResize = InitialsPanelResize
- object L_Initials: TLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 51
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'L_Initials'
- Transparent = True
- end
- object F_Initials: TEdit
- Left = 8
- Top = 17
- Width = 51
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'F_Initials'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- end
- end
- object SurNamePanel: TPanel
- Left = 187
- Top = 2
- Width = 152
- Height = 41
- Align = alClient
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 1
- OnResize = SurNamePanelResize
- object L_Name: TLabel
- Left = 4
- Top = 0
- Width = 51
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'L_Name'
- end
- object F_Name: TEdit
- Left = 8
- Top = 17
- Width = 99
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'F_Name'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object InitialsSplitter: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 3
- Height = 41
- Cursor = crHSplit
- Align = alLeft
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 1
- OnMouseDown = InitialsSplitterMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = InitialsSplitterMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = InitialsSplitterMouseUp
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- object TTabPage
- Left = 4
- Top = 27
- Caption = 'Notes'
- object Notes_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 154
- Top = 5
- Width = 350
- Height = 380
- BorderWidth = 2
- TabOrder = 0
- object F_Notes: TMemo
- Left = 3
- Top = 28
- Width = 344
- Height = 349
- Align = alClient
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- HideSelection = False
- ParentFont = False
- ScrollBars = ssVertical
- TabOrder = 0
- OnChange = F_NotesChange
- OnExit = F_NotesExit
- end
- object L_Notes: THeader
- Left = 3
- Top = 3
- Width = 344
- Height = 25
- Align = alTop
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Sections.Sections = (
- #0'44'#0'Notes')
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- end
- end
- object TTabPage
- Left = 4
- Top = 27
- Caption = 'Reminders'
- object Reminders_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 148
- Top = 5
- Width = 357
- Height = 385
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Reminders_Panel'
- TabOrder = 0
- object Header: THeader
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 353
- Height = 25
- Align = alTop
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Sections.Sections = (
- #0'38'#0
- #0'31'#0'Prty'
- #0'85'#0'Date'
- #0'48'#0'Time'
- #0'76'#0'Description')
- TabOrder = 0
- OnSized = HeaderSized
- end
- object Reminders: TListBox
- Left = 2
- Top = 27
- Width = 353
- Height = 356
- Align = alClient
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ItemHeight = 16
- ParentFont = False
- PopupMenu = RemindersPopup
- Sorted = True
- Style = lbOwnerDrawVariable
- TabOrder = 1
- OnDblClick = ViewEvent1Click
- OnDrawItem = RemindersDrawItem
- OnMeasureItem = RemindersMeasureItem
- end
- end
- end
- object TTabPage
- Left = 4
- Top = 27
- Caption = 'Others'
- object Other_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 144
- Top = 5
- Width = 353
- Height = 377
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Other_Panel'
- TabOrder = 0
- object ScrollBox2: TScrollBox
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 349
- Height = 373
- HorzScrollBar.Visible = False
- Align = alClient
- AutoScroll = False
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- object L_Others6: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 168
- Width = 76
- Height = 16
- Caption = '<Undefined>'
- FocusControl = F_Others6
- end
- object L_Others5: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 136
- Width = 76
- Height = 16
- Caption = '<Undefined>'
- FocusControl = F_Others5
- end
- object L_Others4: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 104
- Width = 76
- Height = 16
- Caption = '<Undefined>'
- FocusControl = F_Others4
- end
- object L_Others3: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 72
- Width = 76
- Height = 16
- Caption = '<Undefined>'
- FocusControl = F_Others3
- end
- object L_Others2: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 40
- Width = 76
- Height = 16
- Caption = '<Undefined>'
- FocusControl = F_Others2
- end
- object L_Others1: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 8
- Width = 76
- Height = 16
- Caption = '<Undefined>'
- FocusControl = F_Others1
- end
- object Line_Others: TBevel
- Left = 8
- Top = 200
- Width = 337
- Height = 2
- Shape = bsTopLine
- end
- object L_Created: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 208
- Width = 102
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Entry Created on:'
- FocusControl = F_Others6
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object L_Updated: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 256
- Width = 135
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Entry Last Updated on:'
- FocusControl = F_Others6
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object L_Called: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 304
- Width = 156
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Entry Last Telephoned on:'
- FocusControl = F_Others6
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object F_Others6: TEdit
- Left = 88
- Top = 165
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 5
- Text = 'F_Others6'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Others5: TEdit
- Left = 88
- Top = 133
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 4
- Text = 'F_Others5'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Others4: TEdit
- Left = 88
- Top = 101
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 3
- Text = 'F_Others4'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Others3: TEdit
- Left = 88
- Top = 69
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 2
- Text = 'F_Others3'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Others2: TEdit
- Left = 88
- Top = 37
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 1
- Text = 'F_Others2'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Others1: TEdit
- Left = 88
- Top = 5
- Width = 257
- Height = 24
- MaxLength = 255
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = 'F_Others1'
- OnChange = EditFieldChanged
- end
- object F_Called: TPanel
- Left = 8
- Top = 320
- Width = 185
- Height = 25
- Alignment = taLeftJustify
- BevelOuter = bvLowered
- BorderWidth = 2
- Caption = 'F_Called'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 6
- end
- object F_Created: TPanel
- Left = 8
- Top = 224
- Width = 185
- Height = 25
- Alignment = taLeftJustify
- BevelOuter = bvLowered
- BorderWidth = 2
- Caption = 'F_Called'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 7
- end
- object F_Updated: TPanel
- Left = 16
- Top = 272
- Width = 185
- Height = 25
- Alignment = taLeftJustify
- BevelOuter = bvLowered
- BorderWidth = 2
- Caption = 'F_Called'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 8
- end
- object B_Called: TBitBtn
- Tag = 1
- Left = 224
- Top = 337
- Width = 24
- Height = 21
- Hint = 'Set to Today'#39's Date & Time|'
- TabOrder = 9
- OnClick = B_CalledClick
- Glyph.Data = {
- 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
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- Layout = blGlyphRight
- NumGlyphs = 2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- object TTabPage
- Left = 4
- Top = 27
- Caption = 'Attachments'
- object Doc_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 148
- Top = 5
- Width = 357
- Height = 342
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'Doc_Panel'
- TabOrder = 0
- OnResize = Doc_PanelResize
- object Doc_List: TListBox
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 353
- Height = 338
- Align = alClient
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ItemHeight = 16
- ParentFont = False
- PopupMenu = DocPopUp
- Sorted = True
- Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed
- TabOrder = 0
- OnDblClick = Doc_ListDblClick
- OnDrawItem = Doc_ListDrawItem
- end
- end
- end
- object TTabPage
- Left = 4
- Top = 27
- Caption = 'Categories'
- object Cat_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 148
- Top = 5
- Width = 357
- Height = 342
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- OnResize = Cat_PanelResize
- object CatHeader: THeader
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 353
- Height = 25
- Align = alTop
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Sections.Sections = (
- #0'74'#0'Categories')
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object CatList: TPickList
- Left = 2
- Top = 27
- Width = 353
- Height = 313
- Align = alClient
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Columns = 2
- ExtendedSelect = False
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ItemHeight = 18
- MultiSelect = True
- ParentFont = False
- PopupMenu = CatsPopupMenu
- Sorted = True
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = CatListClick
- end
- end
- end
- end
- object LB_Panel: TPanel
- Left = 12
- Top = 36
- Width = 134
- Height = 365
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- Caption = 'LB_Panel'
- TabOrder = 0
- object TLabel
- Left = 27
- Top = 400
- Width = 3
- Height = 16
- end
- object ListBox: TSmartListBox
- Left = 2
- Top = 2
- Width = 130
- Height = 361
- Align = alClient
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- ItemHeight = 16
- PopupMenu = ListboxPopUp
- Sorted = True
- Style = lbOwnerDrawVariable
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = ListBoxChange
- OnDblClick = TagEntryClick
- OnDrawItem = ListBoxDrawItem
- OnMeasureItem = ListBoxMeasureItem
- OnMouseDown = ListBoxMouseDown
- end
- end
- end
- object Splitter: TPanel
- Left = 151
- Top = 39
- Width = 6
- Height = 393
- Cursor = crHSplit
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 0
- OnMouseDown = SplitterMouseDown
- OnMouseMove = SplitterMouseMove
- OnMouseUp = SplitterMouseUp
- end
- object Main: TMainMenu
- Left = 392
- Top = 8
- object File2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&File'
- Hint = 'File and Print Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = File1Click
- object New2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Ne&w Address Book...'
- Hint = 'Create a New Address Book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = New2Click
- end
- object Open2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Open Address Book...'
- Hint = 'Open an Existing Address book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Open2Click
- end
- object N38: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DiaryNew: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&New Diary...'
- Hint = 'Create a New Diary'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DiaryNewClick
- end
- object DiaryOpen: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Op&en Diary...'
- Hint = 'Open an Existing Diary'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DiaryOpenClick
- end
- object N39: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Reopen1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Reopen'
- Hint = 'Display the most recently used file list'
- ShortCut = 0
- object MRU1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&1 - '
- Hint = 'Open Specified File'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MRU0Click
- end
- object MRU2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = '&2 -'
- Hint = 'Open Specified File'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MRU0Click
- end
- object MRU3: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- Caption = '&3 - '
- Hint = 'Open Specified File'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MRU0Click
- end
- object MRU4: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- Caption = '&4 - '
- Hint = 'Open Specified File'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MRU0Click
- end
- object MRU5: TMenuItem
- Tag = 4
- Caption = '&5 - '
- Hint = 'Open Specified File'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = MRU0Click
- end
- end
- object N40: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Save1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Save'
- Hint = 'Save Address Book Updates'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Save1Click
- end
- object Saveas1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Save &as...'
- Hint = 'Save Address Book to Another File'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Saveas1Click
- end
- object Close1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Close'
- Hint = 'Close the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 16499
- OnClick = Close1Click
- end
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Lock1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Lock Address &Book'
- Hint = 'Toggles the Locked State of the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Lock1Click
- end
- object AddressBookInfo1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Address Book &Info...'
- Hint = 'Display File Information for the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 16457
- OnClick = AddressBookInfo1Click
- end
- object N4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- Hint = 'File and Print Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Print1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Print...'
- Hint = 'Print Address Book Entries using the Print Wizard'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Print1Click
- end
- object QuickReports1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Quick Reports...'
- Hint = 'Print using a Stored Quick Report'
- ShortCut = 16464
- OnClick = QuickReports1Click
- end
- object PageSetup: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Page &Designer...'
- Hint = 'Create or Modify Page Layout Designs'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PageSetupClick
- end
- object N3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- Hint = 'File and Print Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Import1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'I&mport...'
- Hint = 'Import a Text File into the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Import1Click
- end
- object Export1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Export...'
- Hint = 'Export Records from the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Export1Click
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- Hint = 'File and Print Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Exit2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'E&xit'
- Hint = 'Exit Smart Address'
- ShortCut = 32883
- OnClick = Exit2Click
- end
- end
- object Edit1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit'
- GroupIndex = 1
- Hint = 'Record Edit Related Functions'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Edit1Click
- object Undo1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Undo'
- Hint = 'Reverse the Last Update in the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 32776
- OnClick = UndoBtnClick
- end
- object N5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- Hint = 'Record Edit Related Functions'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object CopyEntry1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy Entry'
- Hint = 'Copy the Current Entry for Pasting into another Address Book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CopyEntry1Click
- end
- object PasteEntry1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Paste Entry'
- Hint = 'Paste an Entry that has been Copied from another Address Book'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = PasteEntry1Click
- end
- object Duplicate1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Dup&licate Entry'
- Hint = 'Duplicates the Currently Selected Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Duplicate1Click
- end
- object N6: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- Hint = 'Record Edit Related Functions'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AddMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add Entry'
- Hint = 'Add a New Entry to the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 16449
- OnClick = AddMenuClick
- end
- object UpdateMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Update &Entry'
- Hint = 'Update the Current Entry'
- ShortCut = 16469
- OnClick = UpdateMenuClick
- end
- object OKMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Appl&y Addition/Update'
- Hint = 'Apply the Changed Entry to the Address Book'
- ShortCut = 16397
- OnClick = OKMenuClick
- end
- object CancelMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Ca&ncel Addition/Update'
- Hint = 'Cancel the Entry Addition or Update'
- ShortCut = 27
- OnClick = CancelMenuClick
- end
- object DeleteMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete Entries...'
- Hint = 'Delete Entries from the Current Address Book'
- ShortCut = 16452
- OnClick = DeleteMenuClick
- end
- object N7: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DefineKeysMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Select Index &Keys for Entry...'
- Hint = 'Select the Keys to be used to Index the Current Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = B_IndexKeyClick
- end
- object DefineAddressMenu: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Select Address &Templates for Entry...'
- Hint = 'Select the Address Templates used for the Current Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = B_AddressesClick
- end
- object N31: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Find1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Find Entry with Text....'
- Hint = 'Locates the first Entry that contains a specified text string'
- ShortCut = 16454
- OnClick = Find1Click
- end
- object FindNext1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Find Ne&xt'
- Hint = 'Locates the next Entry that contains a specified text string'
- ShortCut = 114
- OnClick = FindNext1Click
- end
- end
- object Options1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Tools'
- GroupIndex = 2
- Hint = 'Tool Related Commands '
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Options1Click
- object ChangeFont1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Change Screen Font....'
- Hint = 'Change the Screen Font Used for All Address Books'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ChangeFont1Click
- end
- object ConfigureModem1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Configure &Modem....'
- Hint = 'Configure the Modem for Auto-Dial of Telephone Numbers'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ConfigureModem1Click
- end
- object General1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Options...'
- Hint = 'Define General Options for Smart Address'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = General1Click
- end
- object Preferences1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Configure &Address Book...'
- Hint = 'Define Address Book Options'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Preferences1Click
- end
- object N13: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- Hint = 'Commands for Defining Options'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object InsertWP1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Insert into Word Processor'
- Enabled = False
- Hint = 'Insert the Current Entry into your Word Processor'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = InsertWP1Click
- end
- object InsertClipboard: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Insert to &Windows Clipboard'
- Enabled = False
- Hint = 'Insert the Current Entry into the Windows Clipboard'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = InsertClipboardClick
- end
- object N17: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ToggleTag1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Tag Entry'
- Hint = 'Tags the Selected Entry'
- ShortCut = 16468
- OnClick = TagEntryClick
- end
- object TagSelection: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Apply Tags to &Entries...'
- Hint = 'Applies Tags to Specified Entries'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TagSelectionClick
- end
- object RemoveTags1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Remove Tags from Entries...'
- Hint = 'Removes Tags from Specified Entries'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RemoveTags1Click
- end
- object N10: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DialNumber1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Dial Number...'
- Hint = 'Dial a Number from the Current Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DialNumber1Click
- end
- object CallLog1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Telephone Call &Log...'
- Hint = 'Displays the Telephone Call Log for the Currently Selected Entry'
- ShortCut = 113
- OnClick = CallLog1Click
- end
- end
- object View1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&View'
- GroupIndex = 3
- Hint = 'View Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = View1Click
- object Page1: TMenuItem
- ShortCut = 116
- OnClick = Page1Click
- end
- object Page2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- ShortCut = 117
- OnClick = Page1Click
- end
- object Page3: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- ShortCut = 118
- OnClick = Page1Click
- end
- object Page4: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- ShortCut = 119
- OnClick = Page1Click
- end
- object Page5: TMenuItem
- Tag = 4
- GroupIndex = 2
- ShortCut = 120
- OnClick = Page1Click
- end
- object Page6: TMenuItem
- Tag = 5
- GroupIndex = 2
- ShortCut = 115
- OnClick = Page1Click
- end
- object N15: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 2
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object CalendarWindow1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Calendar'
- GroupIndex = 2
- Hint = 'View the Calendar Window'
- ShortCut = 123
- OnClick = CalendarWindow1Click
- end
- object N12: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 2
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SetFilter: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Search Address Book...'
- GroupIndex = 2
- Hint = 'Sets up a Search to Restrict the Entries Displayed'
- ShortCut = 121
- OnClick = SetFilterClick
- end
- object RemoveFilter: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Re&move Active Search'
- GroupIndex = 2
- Hint = 'Removes the Active Search in Effect and Displays All Entries'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RemoveFilterClick
- end
- end
- object Notes1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Note&s'
- GroupIndex = 4
- Hint = 'Notes Page Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Notes1Click
- object NotesCut1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Cu&t'
- Hint = 'Cuts the Selected text and places it in the Windows Clipboard'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesCut1Click
- end
- object NotesCopy1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Copy'
- Hint = 'Copies the Selected text to the Windows Clipboard'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesCopy1Click
- end
- object NotesPaste1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Past&e'
- Hint =
- 'Inserts text from the Windows Clipboard at the position of the c' +
- 'ursor'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesPaste1Click
- end
- object NotesDelete1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete '
- Hint = 'Deletes the Selected Text from the Notes Field'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesDelete1Click
- end
- object NotesSelect1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Select All'
- Hint = 'Selects all Text within the Notes Field'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesSelect1Click
- end
- object N28: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object TStamp: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add Timestamp'
- Hint = 'Adds a Timestamp to the Notes Text'
- ShortCut = 16467
- OnClick = TStampClick
- end
- object N18: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object NotesFind1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Find Text...'
- Hint = 'Finds specified text within the Notes Field'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesFind1Click
- end
- object NotesReplace1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Find and &Replace Text...'
- Hint = 'Finds and Replaces specified text within the Notes Field'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = NotesReplace1Click
- end
- end
- object Documents1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Attac&hments'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Documents1Click
- object AddDocument1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add Attachment...'
- Hint = 'Add a Document or Internet URL to the Selected Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddDocument1Click
- end
- object DeleteDocument1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Remove Attachment...'
- Hint = 'Remove the Selected Attachment from the Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DeleteDocument1Click
- end
- object EditDocument1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit Attachment...'
- Hint = 'Edit the Selected Attachments Details...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddDocument1Click
- end
- object N20: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object OpenDocument1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'O&pen Attachment...'
- Hint = 'Open the Selected Attachment'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Doc_ListDblClick
- end
- object N22: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DocIndex0: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'View by Des&cription'
- Checked = True
- Hint = 'View Attachments by their Associated Description'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocIndex0Click
- end
- object DocIndex1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = 'View by &File Name / URL'
- Hint = 'View the Attachments by their File Name or Internet URL'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocIndex0Click
- end
- object N21: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DocView1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Large &Icons'
- Checked = True
- Hint = 'Display Attachments by using Large Icons'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object DocView2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = '&Small Icons'
- Hint = 'Display Attachments by using Small Icons'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object DocView3: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- Caption = '&List'
- Hint = 'Display Attachments as a List'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object DocView4: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- Caption = '&Detail'
- Hint = 'Display Attachments in a Detailed List'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object N23: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Properties1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Proper&ties...'
- Hint = 'Display the Attachments Properties'
- ShortCut = 32781
- OnClick = Properties1Click
- end
- end
- object Reminders1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Remin&ders'
- GroupIndex = 5
- Hint = 'Reminders Page Related Commands'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders1Click
- object AddEvent2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Add Event...'
- Hint = 'Add a New Reminder Event to the Current Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_NewClick
- end
- object EditEvent2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Edit Event...'
- Hint = 'Edit the Selected Reminder Event'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_EditClick
- end
- object DeleteEvent2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Delete Event...'
- Hint = 'Delete the Selected Reminder Event from the Current Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_DeleteClick
- end
- object ViewEvent1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&View Event...'
- GroupIndex = 7
- Hint = 'Display the Related'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ViewEvent1Click
- end
- object N33: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AcknowledgeEvent2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Ac&knowledge Event...'
- GroupIndex = 7
- Hint = 'Acknowledge the Selected Reminder Event'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_AcknowledgeClick
- end
- object N19: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ShowEvents2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Show Completed Events'
- GroupIndex = 7
- Hint = 'Includes Completed Events in the List of Reminders Displayed'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowEvents1Click
- end
- object ShowNotes1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Show Event &Notes'
- GroupIndex = 7
- Hint = 'Includes Event Notes in the List of Reminders Displayed'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowNotes1Click
- end
- object N32: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Sortby1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Sort by'
- GroupIndex = 7
- Hint = 'Choose the Event Display Order '
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Sortby1Click
- object Priority1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = '&Priority'
- Hint = 'Display the Events in Priority Order'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- object Time1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- Caption = 'Date and Time'
- Hint = 'Display the Events in Date and Time Order'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- object DatePriorityandTime1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 4
- Caption = 'Date, Priority and Time'
- Hint = 'Display the Events in Date, Priority and then Time Order'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- object Description1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- Caption = 'Description'
- Hint = 'Display the Events in Description Order'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- end
- end
- end
- object RemindersPopup: TPopupMenu
- OnPopup = RemindersPopupPopup
- Left = 113
- Top = 109
- object AddEvent1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Add Event...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_NewClick
- end
- object EditEvent1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Edit Event...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_EditClick
- end
- object DeleteEvent1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Delete Event...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_DeleteClick
- end
- object ViewEvent2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'View Event...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ViewEvent1Click
- end
- object N8: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AcknowledgeEvent1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Acknowledge Event...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Reminders_AcknowledgeClick
- end
- object N14: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ShowEvents1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Show Completed Events'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowEvents1Click
- end
- object ShowNotes2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Show Event Notes'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ShowNotes1Click
- end
- object N34: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Sortby2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '&Sort by'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- object Priority2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = '&Priority'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- object DateandTime1: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- Caption = 'Date and Time'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- object DatePriorityandTime2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 4
- Caption = 'Date, Priority and Time'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- object Description2: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- Caption = 'Description'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Priority1Click
- end
- end
- object N16: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object ReminderOptions1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Reminder Options...'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = ReminderOptions1Click
- end
- object N9: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object SetFilter1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Set Display Filter...'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SetFilterClick
- end
- object RemoveFilter1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Remove Display Filter'
- GroupIndex = 7
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RemoveFilterClick
- end
- end
- object ListboxPopUp: TPopupMenu
- OnPopup = ListboxPopUpPopup
- Left = 48
- Top = 64
- object Add1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Add Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddMenuClick
- end
- object Update1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Update Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = UpdateMenuClick
- end
- object Delete1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Delete Entries...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DeleteMenuClick
- end
- object MenuItem4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Tag1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Tag Entry'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TagEntryClick
- end
- object N37: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object AddReminder3: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Add Reminder...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddReminder3Click
- end
- object AddDocument3: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Add Document...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddDocument3Click
- end
- object N30: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DefineIndexKeys: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Select Index Keys...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = B_IndexKeyClick
- end
- object DefineAddressTemplates: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Select Address Templates...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = B_AddressesClick
- end
- object N11: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Set1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Set Display Filter...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = SetFilterClick
- end
- object Remove1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Remove Display Filter'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = RemoveFilterClick
- end
- object N29: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DialNumber2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Dial Number...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DialNumber1Click
- end
- object TelephoneLog1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Telephone Call Log...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = CallLog1Click
- end
- end
- object DocPopUp: TPopupMenu
- OnPopup = DocPopUpPopup
- Left = 49
- Top = 146
- object AddDocument2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Add Attachment...'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddDocument1Click
- end
- object DeleteDocument2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Remove Attachment...'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DeleteDocument1Click
- end
- object EditDocument2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Edit Attachment...'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = AddDocument1Click
- end
- object N27: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object OpenDocument2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Open Attachment...'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Doc_ListDblClick
- end
- object N26: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DocIndex01: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'View by Description'
- Checked = True
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocIndex0Click
- end
- object DocIndex11: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = 'View by File Name / URL'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocIndex0Click
- end
- object N25: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object DocView11: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Large Icons'
- Checked = True
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object DocView21: TMenuItem
- Tag = 1
- Caption = 'Small Icons'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object DocView31: TMenuItem
- Tag = 2
- Caption = 'List'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object DocView41: TMenuItem
- Tag = 3
- Caption = 'Detail'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = DocView1Click
- end
- object N24: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object Properties2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Properties...'
- GroupIndex = 4
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = Properties1Click
- end
- end
- object TabSetPopup: TPopupMenu
- OnPopup = TabSetPopupPopup
- Left = 97
- Top = 226
- object AddressTemplates1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Select Address Templates for Entry...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = B_AddressesClick
- end
- object TemplateMaintenance1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Template Maintenance...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = TemplateMaintenance1Click
- end
- object N35: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- ShortCut = 0
- end
- object EditAddressFormat1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Edit Address Template...'
- ShortCut = 0
- OnClick = EditAddressFormat1Click
- end
- end
- object ODSHelp1: TODSHelp
- HelpText.Strings = (
- ''
- 'AcknowledgeEvent1'
- 'AcknowledgeEvent2'
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